Nora - Season 4

  Nora - Season 4

Episode 1

Tell her you’re in this together.

Tell her you can make the door again later.   (Choice Made)

Tell her you need more information.


“No!”   (Choice Made)

Just point and frown.

Toast to the quest with your new magical family! ( 27 πŸ’—)

I don’t want to disappointed anyone but…

Episode 2

Ask them about other tunnels.

Ask them how they learning about this one.

Tease Ezra.   (Choice Made)

“Of course!”   (Choice Made)

“Remind me one more time?”

Look at Nora for help.


Take the boring stairs instead.

Episode 3

Remind her about Gothel.   (Choice Made)

Indulge her about Darwin.

Let Jo take this one.

Show Nora that you trust her! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Check back with me in a month or so…

Use a spell.

Give it some bait.

Get Omar’s help.   (Choice Made)

Talk to Nora.

Calm down Lucas.   (Choice Made)

Recruit some help.

Episode 4

Tell her you feel great.

Tell her you feel overwhelmed.   (Choice Made)

Tell her you feel great AND overwhelmed.

Get back into bed with beautiful Nora. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Tempting, but…

Ask what’s in the pouch.   (Choice Made)

Question the knife.

Remind her that you’re both witches.

Episode 5

Reassure Nora.   (Choice Made)

Ask the doctor to prove it.

Wait for Nora to decide.

Look at the failed attempts on the workbench.

Reminisce with Nora about The Explosion.

Ask for the Guardian’s opinion.   (Choice Made)

Fight with Nora against Gothel! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Hang back…

Episode 6

Ask how they’re doing.   (Choice Made)

Ask what happened while you were gone.

Thank him for keeping the house safe.

Scold him.

Tease Lucas for flinching.

Ask for a status report.   (Choice Made)

Discover what your life with Nora would be like. ( 28 πŸ’—)

No, that’s okay.

Episode 7

Ask her to clarify.   (Choice Made)

Look at Ezra.

Look at Darla.

Tell her that doesn’t matter.

Tell her you can’t fight in here.   (Choice Made)

Tell her you have to protect your house.

Celebrate your victory with Nora and the girls! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Too sleepy.

Episode 8

That’s it?

Plenty of time!

Really, that’s it?   (Choice Made)

Absolutely! Stay for private lessons! ( 29 πŸ’—)

No, go to your real classes.

Blame him for your pancake obsession.   (Choice Made)

Tease him about what a good brother he is.

Bring up one of his childhood food obsession.

Episode 9

Ask them about perigean moons.   (Choice Made)

Find out what else you need for the spell-breaking.

Ask Nora about magic and moons.

YES! HOME NOW! GO! ( 29 πŸ’—)

No way. Back to the trucks.

Stay serious.

Poll the crowd.   (Choice Made)

Look to Arin and Nel.

Episode 10

Show Gothel what you’re made of! ( 28 πŸ’—)


Be evasive.

Be truthful.   (Choice Made)

Be silent.

Introduce them properly.   (Choice Made)

Give them the quick versions.

Let them introduce themselves.

Episode 11

Answer calmly.

Rush through a debrief.   (Choice Made)

Brush off his questions.

Tell her you don’t want to trade.

Say you want the stardust.   (Choice Made)

Jog her memory.

Nora, no. you’re everything to me! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Stay silent.

Episode 12

Try to stop time with Nora! ( 30 πŸ’—)

That’s totally not a thing… right?

Be sincere.   (Choice Made)

Tease him.

Act insulted.

Ask Ezra for advice.

See what Lucas thinks.

Wait until something comes to you.   (Choice Made)

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