Nora - Season 3

 Nora - Season 3

Episode 1

Focus on Nora.

Focus on your emotions.   (Choice Made)

Focus on breathing.

“Can’t you do it?”

“But Nora!”

“I don’t know how.”   (Choice Made)

Anything Nora wants, she can have. ( 26 πŸ’—)

Not now.

Episode 2

“I trust them.”   (Choice Made)

“They’re one of the smartest people I know.”

“They’re still on our side.”

Nora needs you. Go with her! ( 27 πŸ’—)

It is so late.

Try to focus on the speaker.

Nod along as best you can.

Just give up. It’s not happening.   (Choice Made)

Episode 3

“Okay, I guess.”

“The bast she can be.”   (Choice Made)

“I don’t know.”


Study group was exhausting.

Check the filing cabinet.   (Choice Made)

Look around the coffee table.

Start with the shelves.

Episode 4

“Right. I think those are old offices.”   (Choice Made)

“Left, toward those double doors.”

“Straight. We’ll try to get into a classroom.”

Figure out the mystery with Nora! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Blame it on meddling kids.

“You’re the more experienced one.”

“We don’t have time to argue.”   (Choice Made)

“Ezra, back me up!”

Episode 5

“We will. Soon.”

“We already did.”   (Choice Made)

“That’s not your concern.”

Agree immediately

Check with your brother

Agree…with an exception   (Choice Made)

Play the Magic Game with Nora! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Let’s just finish the ward.

Episode 6

“My phone light!”   (Choice Made)

“A weird reflection.”

“Something imaginary.”

Listen to love stories with Nora! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Join the twins and be a buzzkill.

“What about the shifting hallways?”

“What about the rest of the gang?”   (Choice Made)

“How do you even have the energy?”

Episode 7

Try to strengthen the spell.   (Choice Made)

Cast a defensive spell.

Get Nora’s help.

Comfort them.

Agree with them.   (Choice Made)

Look at Nora’s reaction.

Let Nora help you remember! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Seems like a bad idea maybe?

Episode 8

“How about the Christmas power outage?”

“Do you remember Halloween my 8th grade year?”

“What about when I broke my wrist?”   (Choice Made)

“I told you: I don’t know.”   (Choice Made)

“I didn’t get anyone fired!”

“Why don’t you go ask someone from Admin?”

Create your own Witch’s Wood with Nora! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Just head back home.

Episode 9

“A little tired.

“Surprised, honestly.”

“Like a time travel.”   (Choice Made)

Oh, it’s ON, Nora! ( 27 πŸ’—)

I mean… it wouldn’t be fair.

Apologize and GTFO.

Make up an excuse.

Try to run for it.   (Choice Made)

Episode 10

“Trying to tell me something?”

“Someone’s eager.”

“You don’t like my shirt?”   (Choice Made)

Listen to Nora tell you about her love for you!  ( 29 πŸ’—)

Just go to sleep.

“Someone’s hungry.”

“How’s it taste?”   (Choice Made)

“Don’t forget to hydrate.”

Episode 11

Pretend to take offense.

Agree wholeheartedly.

Tell her how nervous you were.   (Choice Made)

Remind them that you’re friends.   (Choice Made)

Tell them Gothel is gone.

Warn them about messing with magic.

Let Nora help you remember your own magic! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Let’s just push through.

Episode 12

Give them a quick summary.

Tell them you’re not sure.   (Choice Made)

Change the subject.

“She’s not lying.”   (Choice Made)

“Thank you?”

“Still not as good as you.”

Spend this final night with Nora! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Not now.

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