Iseul - Season 2

Iseul - Season 2

Episode 1


Drop the egg.

Throw it at Jinhai.  (Choice Made)

Hang on to the egg and run!


You don’t know that.

This is my fault.  (Choice Made)

So what do we do now?


Do I stink that bad?  (Choice Made)

Don’t leave me!

Say nothing.


Episode 2



Selectively tell the truth.  (Choice Made)

Say nothing.


Uh-huh, sure.

No other reason?  (Choice Made)

Accept his answer.


Go skinny dipping. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Actually take a nap.


Episode 3


Ask for clarification.

Tell them the dragon died.

Say nothing.   (Choice Made)


Try to include Iseul.

Give him space.   (Choice Made)

Tease him, too.


Ask him if he needs to talk.

Ask him how HE feels.   (Choice Made)



Episode 4


Any other jobs?

If you’re a faerie, do you have wings?   (Choice Made)

Does Reiner pay you well?


While you’re at it…

How’s about I put an apple on your head?   (Choice Made)

Cut the snark!


Go for a drink at the tavern. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Go shopping.


Episode 5


Tell the truth.   (Choice Made)


Change subject.


Tease August.   (Choice Made)

Tease the townspeople.

Make fun of yourself.


Ask Imohn for embarrassing Iseul stories. ( 22 πŸ’—)

Step outside.


Episode 6


Grab Ideul’s bow!   (Choice Made)

Ask Iseul how you can help.

Await orders.


Admit it’s not that simple.   (Choice Made)

Agree with Imohn.

Change the subject.


Talk dirty about archery. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Discuss more important things.


Episode 7


Insist on coming along.    (Choice Made)

Advise against it.

Refuse to go.


Join in on Iseul’s teasing.    (Choice Made)

Tell him to cut it out.

Change the subject.


Agree with Iseul.

Downplay how bad it was.    (Choice Made)

Come to Iseul’s defense.


Episode 8


Call Imohn out.    (Choice Made)

Tell Iseul to leave it.

Recruit the others for help.


Teach them to play Never Have I Ever ( 24 πŸ’—)  (obtain CG)

Re-enact your favorite soap opera.


Ask what he means by that.    (Choice Made)

Ask him to tell you the story.

Leave it. You need sleep!


Episode 9


Let Iseul field that one.   (Choice Made)

Answer yes.

Answer no.


Point out Imohn is even older.

Tell him to take the compliment!

Ask what is the alternative.   (Choice Made)


Go with Iseul. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Go with Imohn.


Episode 10


Back Iseul up.

Follow Imohn’s lead.

The Witch Queen can’t be trusted.   (Choice Made)


Tell them.   (Choice Made)

There’s no time!

Does it matter?


Reach out to him.   (Choice Made)

give him space.

Ask him what he needs.


Episode 11


Reply with sarcasm.

Point out the obvious.   (Choice Made)

Try and be supportive.


Give him some tough love.

Reason with him gently.   (Choice Made)

Try and trick him.


Face what’s bothering him head on. ( 22 πŸ’—)

Ignore the problem.


Episode 12


Answer August’s question.

Look to Altea.   (Choice Made)

Wait for Reiner to explain.


Ask him what he needs.

Give him what he needs.   (Choice Made)

Tell him what you need.


Give Iseul enough time to escape. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Let Iseul sacrifice himself.

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