Iseul - Season 1

Iseul - Season 1

Episode 1

I’ve made up my mind!

Stop staling.

What, are you scared?  (Choice Made)


Call out.

Cling to Iseul.

Hide behind Iseul.  (Choice Made)


You know what I mean!

THAT’s what bothers you in that sentence?

Oh, forget it!  (Choice Made)


Episode 2


None of your business!

Well sorry.

This is all s disorienting.  (Choice Made)


Pretend not to notice the innuendo.

Put a stop to it.

Join in.  (Choice Made)


Go with Iseul ( 15 πŸ’—)

Go as a group.


Episode 3


Walk and talk.  (Choice Made)

Refuse to budge until he answers!

Threaten him.


Call him out.

Make your own report.

Follow Iseul’s lead.  (Choice Made)


That’s enough working. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Let’s just keep walking.


Episode 4


Defend yourself.  (Choice Made)

Demand Iseul defend you.

Storm out.


Ask about her.  (Choice Made)

Ask about Iseul.

Ask about this land.



And you guys just want to walk into his trap?

What happened last time?  (Choice Made)


Episode 5


Where are the others?

Wait… do you CARE bout me?

Are you okay?


Stand up for him.  (Choice Made)

Join in on questioning him.

Say nothing.


Ask for Iseul to stay ( 25 πŸ’—)

Talk to Reiner alone.


Episode 6


He’s MY fool!   (Choice Made)

Don’t speak to him that way!

What the hell is going on?


Follow him. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Try to stop him.


Ask to join him.

Lay down with him.   (Choice Made)

Do nothing.


Episode 7


Help the man.

Help the woman.   (Choice Made)

Don’t get involve yet.


Prompt him.   (Choice Made)

Answer for him.



Ask to use the bath after he’s done.

Do a quick sponge bath.   (Choice Made)

Join him.


Episode 8


Tell him to mind his own business.

Explain that it was an accident.

Let Iseul answer.   (Choice Made)


Quit joking around!

You’re not so bad yourself.   (Choice Made)

Tell me more.


Go for it! ( 25 πŸ’—)

Pull away.


Episode 9


Side with Reiner.

Side with Iseul.

Stay neutral.   (Choice Made)


Call his bluff.


I won’t betray Iseul.   (Choice Made)


Fight him yourself! ( 25 πŸ’—)

Yell for Iseul.


Episode 10


Let him try anyway.    (Choice Made)

Stop him.

Play along.



No.    (Choice Made)

Just my pride.


Try and lighten the mood.

Stay out of it.

Ask if he wants to talk.    (Choice Made)


Episode 11


Point out that’s not what he said last time.   (Choice Made)

Ask of he feels that way.

Change the subject.


Tell him about Sophie.   (Choice Made)

Tell him you’re homesick.

It’s nothing…


Sneak in! ( 20 πŸ’—)

Draw them out!


Episode 12


Rush the guards.

Trick them.   (Choice Made)

Get them to abandon their post.


He’s lying, he has to be.

Oh God, he’s not lying.

I don’t know what’s true anymore!   (Choice Made)


I’m not leaving you! ( 25 πŸ’—)

Run with the egg.

Next Season ⇢

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