Hollyberry Cookie

Game Description

What else could result in such an overwhelming passion if not the reddest hollyberries, ripened under the hottest summer sunlight? Hollyberry Cookie believes that every friendship, like every victory, should be triumphant. After all, there is nothing in the world as hard as trust! Not even the all-enduring Hollyberry Shield with which she swore to protect her beloved ones. It is said that Hollyberry Cookie leading a charge onto the battlefield is the most inspiring view. A view that inspires to repay with trust to those who put trust in you.

Type:        Position:

Soulstone Description

This stone holds a piece of Hollyberry Cookie's soul. Holding this stone, you can almost hear the horns of victory. Hollyberry Cookie's Soulstones can be acquired in the Kingdom Arena Medal Shop.

Hollyberry Soulcore can be acquired in Gacha and Medal Shop.


Oath on the Shield

17 sec




Let out a war cry of fury! Hollyberry Cookie charges forward and becomes a shield to her Cookie allies, absorbing a portion of the damage they take, excluding periodic and indirect damage. While her DMG Focus is active, she will reduce CRIT received by her allies and herself, and gain a stack of Seed of Life for every CRIT hit she receives. Once she gains enough Seed of Life stacks, the Seed of Life will bloom into Berry of Life, enhancing the succeeding skill. The cooldown for Hollyberry Cookie's first skill is reduced, allowing her to use it faster. While Hollyberry Cookie is using her skill, she will briefly become resistant to interrupting effects.

Level 1: Single hit DMG: 185.5% (+2.53% DMG per level)
Additional DMG to targets immune to Stun: 405.0% of ATK
DMG ignoring DMG Reduction to targets immune to Stun: 50.0%
DMG Focus: absorbs 35.0% of DMG allies take for 9 sec
CRIT Resist: +35.0% for 9 sec
Seed of Life: Max HP +5.0%, blooms into Berry of Life upon x15 stacks
Berry of Life: adds 2 sec of Stun to the next skill's charge DMG
Passive: Debuff Resist +30.0%


Hey, everyone! Today, we're diving into, the legendary shield herself, Hollyberry. Hollyberry is a shield tank frontliner, excelling at taking damage and protecting your team.

Let's talk about her Oath on the Shield ability, a key tool in her kit. The shield from War Cry allows her to focus enemy damage on herself. It stuns the target and increases damage if the target is immune to stun. Additionally, it reduces crit damage taken by 35% and grants extra HP up to 15 times to her.

Her toppings, which are crucial for her survival. Prioritize damage resistance to make her an absolute tank. In an ideal world, you'd want damage resist, damage resist, debuff resist, and defense on all her toppings for the ultimate tank build.

Building a team that focuses on stunning the enemy repeatedly. The lineup includes Hollyberry, Schwarzwalder, Cream Puff, Sea Fairy and Black Pearl. The goal is to keep the enemy stunned as much as possible.


In battle, you'll witness the power of constant stuns, dealing massive damage with each one. Hollyberry's tankiness ensures she can absorb hits, and the team synergy revolves around stun-locking the enemies. The stuns and shields keep the team safe while dealing significant damage.

Now, let's explore an alternative team with Hollyberry. Instead of Cream Puff, we're bringing in another Super Epic Oyster. Oyster's main role is to summon guards, adding extra bodies to absorb damage. This high-risk, high-reward strategy can help overcome tougher fights with multiple enemies.  


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