Arin - Season 3

Arin - Season 3

Episode 1

Tell Arin you trust them and want to hear it! ( 28 πŸ’—)

On second thought…

Call for help!

Try to summon up some magic?

Drag them to safety.   (Choice Made)

Try to find something for Arin’s fever.   (Choice Made)

Tell Omar to wish up something.

See if Jackie has any ideas.

Episode 2

Grow your magical connection to Arin! ( 29 πŸ’—)


Tell him Arin doesn’t want his help.

Reprimand him for complaining.

Remind him that he offered.   (Choice Made)

Tell him you’d all help.

Tell Arin would still win!

Stay silent.   (Choice Made)

Episode 3

Let Arin know you support them.   (Choice Made)

Tell Fergus to shove off!

Take Arin’s hand.

Argue with Ezra.

Talk up Arin’s other strengths.

Glare at Ezra.   (Choice Made)

Whisper nothing to Arin by the moonlight! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Cat got your tongue?

Episode 4

Yes!   (Choice Made)

A little…

Should I?

Ask James for advice.

See what Arin thinks.   (Choice Made)

Promise to take care of it yourself.

Take Arin’s challenge and claim your prize! ( 28 πŸ’—)

On second thought…

Episode 5

Correct them.

Tell them it’s not going to happen.

Stay silent.   (Choice Made)

Blame it on being shy.

Tell them the reason doesn’t matter.   (Choice Made)

Find out why Arin is so happy! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Suddenly feel shy…

Episode 6

Look around for some sort of lever?   (Choice Made)

Push against it as hard as you can!

Make Arin do some magic.

Yes! Help Arin break down the door! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Too nervous…

Ask James if he felt that.

Look around for the source.   (Choice Made)

Give in to the mystery wind and cry.

Episode 7

Ask him to check again.   (Choice Made)

Figure out how Fergus cheated!

Wait for Arin to speak.

Deny, deny, deny!

Play it cool.

Stay silent.   (Choice Made)

Give Arin something sweet, see how far this goes! ( 29 πŸ’—)

We should stop…

Episode 8

Hold Arin close and keep kissing them! ( 31 πŸ’—)

Take a breath…

Tell them you understand.   (Choice Made)

Say you’ve gone through this already.

Let them continue.

Strongly disagree.

Ask James what’s going on.   (Choice Made)

Look to the others.

Episode 9

Tell her you’re not sure.

Shrug it off.

Ask what she thinks.   (Choice Made)

Give in to Arin and tell them all your thoughts! ( 28 πŸ’—)

No, really…it’s fine.

Pick your best rock and talk it up.   (Choice Made)

Trash talk Arin’s rocks.

Gang up on Abel with Nora.

Episode 10

Fly with Arin among the stars! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Uhm… ground sounds nice right about now…

Ask the fairy to clarify.   (Choice Made)

Search the area in a panic.

Look at Arin.

Look at Name.

Shoot Abel a look.   (Choice Made)

Let them have their moment.

Episode 11

Say Arin’s name.   (Choice Made)

Speak to James.

Hold Arin tighter.

Be genuine.   (Choice Made)

Try to lighten the mood.

Let the silence continue.

Dance with Arin! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Trip over your feet.

Episode 12

Tell him he’s not welcomed.

Let Ezra step in!   (Choice Made)

Look to Abel.

Make this moment last with Arin! ( 30 πŸ’—)


⇠ Previous Season

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