Antares - Season 2

Antares - Season 2

Episode 1

I’m better.

You’re not my only option.

You need me.   (Choice Made)

Psyri set those explosives.

The building’s still standing.

Nobody died.   (Choice Made)

Ask Antares about his visor! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Get tongue-tied.

Episode 2

It doesn’t have to be that way.

The Empire can help you.

Do you want both sides pissed at you?   (Choice Made)

Accept Antares’ invitation! ( 28 πŸ’—)

You’re too scared.

That’s not fair!

That’s fair.   (Choice Made)

That was then, this is now.

Episode 3

The Union?

The Empire?   (Choice Made)

Trust is the bottom line.

Pretend to be Antares’ fiancΓ©e! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Botch the plan.

Are you even sure the geodes are there?

This technology might not work.   (Choice Made)

It’s too good to be true.

Episode 4

I understand the risks.

I know the Union’s systems.   (Choice Made)

This is why you’re hiring me.

They killed their own people.   (Choice Made)

What could be that important?

It didn’t even accomplish anything.

Pour Antares another glass of wine! ( 31 πŸ’—) (obtain CG)

Put a cork in it.

Episode 5

I could be a bad influence.

Think they’ll help with a side project?

Gossip time!   (Choice Made)

Spend a quiet moment with Antares! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Back to business.

Episode 6

Join Antares on the bed! ( 27 πŸ’—)


Avoid it.

Distract it.   (Choice Made)

Shoot it.

This isn’t a good time.

Why are you here?

Did you want something?   (Choice Made)

Episode 7

Right to business, I see.   (Choice Made)

Now you want to talk.

What, no hello?

Blow off steam with Antares! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Sit and stew.

Play to hid ego.

Play to his insecurity.

Play to his curiosity.

Episode 8

Yes, yes, you were right.   (Choice Made)

Performance review later!

Less lecture, more help!

Learn one of Antares’ secrets! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Not tonight.

Why yes thank you.

It didn’t need to.

I admit nothing.   (Choice Made)

Episode 9

I had no idea.

This goes against what I was taught.

How could it stay hidden?   (Choice Made)

How’s it going?

It’s been a while.

What are you working on?   (Choice Made)

Stay and have dinner with Antares! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Make excuses.

Episode 10

Get Antares’ arms around you! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Be boring.

Thanks for reminding me.

Wanna lend me your jacket?   (Choice Made)

Let’s keep moving.

Feign offense.

Tease him.   (Choice Made)

Get quiet.

Episode 11

It was never on the table.   (Choice Made)

You’re pathetic.

I’d rather suck vacuum.

Accept Antares’ help undressing! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Miss out.

I wasn’t expecting this to happen.

It complicates everything.   (Choice Made)

I’m trying to stay professional.

Episode 12

Kiss his neck.

Lick his ear.

Bite him.   (Choice Made)


Take cover.   (Choice Made)

Shoot first!

Extend your time with Antares! ( 28 πŸ’—)

So long.

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