Alain - Season 1

Alain - Season 1

Thanks to Unknown for providing this Walkthrough!

Episode 1

Dark magic?

Tragic love?

Impossibly beautiful people?   (Choice Made)

Call for help!

Fight!    (Choice Made)

Reason with them.

Laugh.   (Choice Made)



Episode 2

Glare at him.    (Choice Made)


Step behind Alain.

But who are you, Alain? ( 15 πŸ’—)

Ask more about the Witch Queen.

Episode 3

Accept his offer. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Reject it.

Episode 4

Comfort the crying girl.

Scold the bullies.    (Choice Made)

Look around for who’s in charge.

What did I just see?

Did you know that would happen?!   (Choice Made)

Stay quiet and think.

Take it.   (Choice Made)

Leave it.

Give it back to him.

Episode 5

Greet her.   (Choice Made)


On second thought…

Thank god.   (Choice Made)

Weird, right?

The others won’t like that.

Go to Alain. ( 26 πŸ’—)

Get out of the dream.

Episode 6

Sit next to Alain.   (Choice Made)

Sit next to Helena.

Sit separate form everyone.

Be optimistic.

Be cynical.   (Choice Made)

Wait, how did she know that?

Use the magic. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Don’t use it.

Episode 7

Check for survivors.

Examine the room.   (Choice Made)

Try to leave.

Ask him about it.   (Choice Made)

Ignore it.

Examine it furtively.

Episode 8

Stop the generals from attacking. ( 25 πŸ’—)

Do nothing.

Episode 9

Defend Alain. (Needs 26πŸ’—)

Hold back.

Get out of my head.   (Choice Made)

What do you want?

Screw you!

Episode 10

Clarify further.   (Choice Made)

Back out of the question.

Panic silently.

One of the soldiers?

Your horse?   (Choice Made)

Your sword?

Be uppity.

Be commanding.   (Choice Made)

Be contemptuous.

Episode 11

Find your inner strength and protect Alain! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Blindly attack.

Be casual.   (Choice Made)

Be snarky.

Be pragmatic.

Episode 12

You’re too good to be true.   (Choice Made)

It’ll be better than fantasy.

No more waiting.

This is over! ( 30 πŸ’—)


Ignore the Witch Queen.

Tell her there’s no chance.

Gather your strength.   (Choice Made)

Next Season ⇢

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