Alanna - Season 2

Alanna - Season 2

Episode 1

Be confused.

Be angry.

Be stony.   (Choice Made)



Say nothing.   (Choice Made)

“You’re right.”   (Choice Made)

“Say something like that…”

“Does it matter?”

Episode 2

Explain to Alanna how you feel for her. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Keep it inside.

Let’s look ahead.

We can’t waste this chance.   (Choice Made)

I need results.

Answer noncommittally.

Answer carefully.   (Choice Made)

Outright lie.

Episode 3

Share the cannoli and a picture perfect moment. ( 30 πŸ’—) (obtain CG)

Thanks but no thanks.

Watch Alanna’s movie with the Inner Circle! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Miss this chance.

Suggest a Plan B.

Be the optimistic one.   (Choice Made)

Say you’ll fix this.

Episode 4

Ask a fancy person at the bar.

Ask someone lounging on a chaise.   (Choice Made)

Interrupt a member chowing down on apps.

Pretend to act a scene out with Alanna. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Don’t join the fun.


Hell no.   (Choice Made)

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Episode 5


Is that an understatement?

Who’s fault was that?   (Choice Made)

I’m a good actress.

I work hard.   (Choice Made)

You can count on me.

Let Alanna share genuine memories. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Shut her down.

Episode 6

Poke Alanna.

Elbow her.   (Choice Made)

Hiss her name.

Think about Alanna.   (Choice Made)

Think about Richard.

Think about yourself.

Give in to temptation and kiss Alanna. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Keep it fake.

Episode 7

It’s fine.

Madeleine would fire us.   (Choice Made)

I knew what I was getting into.

She’s unique.   (Choice Made)

She’s talented.

She’s adored.

Play two truths and a lie with Inner Circle. ( 27 πŸ’—)


Episode 8

Take the lead.   (Choice Made)

Let Alanna lead.

Fight Alanna to lead.

Make Alanna jealous. ( 28 πŸ’—)


Ask about Rafe.   (Choice Made)

Ask about Kiran.

Ask about Emilio.

Episode 9

That’s easy.

I don’t like it.

Fine.   (Choice Made)

Roll your eyes.

Cross your arms.   (Choice Made)

Glare at her.

Give in and kiss Alana more. ( 30 πŸ’—)


Episode 10


Is that what you think?   (Choice Made)


Kiss her.   (Choice Made)

Hug her.

Happy cry.

Join Alanna for a nightcap. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Head back alone.

Episode 11

It’s not enough.

He can talk to me.   (Choice Made)

Reconciling won’t happen.

Listen to Alanna rave about you. ( 29 πŸ’—)

No comment.

Answer noncommittally.

Answer affirmatively.

Answer with a question.   (Choice Made)

Episode 12

I’ll consider it.   (Choice Made)

Okay, fine.

Let’s talk more.

Protect Alanna by covering for her. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Don’t try.

Fake him out.   (Choice Made)

Hit his neck.

Knock him down.

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