Piama - Season 2

Piama - Season 2

Episode 1

Ask about worm noses!

Ask about her friend?

Ask about Autumn.   (Choice Made)

Be sassy.

Make a genuine guess.   (Choice Made)

Say nonsense and see if she notices!

Back Piama up in the conversation. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Stay out of it.

Episode 2

Try to stay calm.

Call her out!   (Choice Made)

Express your frustration nicely?

Try to lie?

Play dumb.

Say something neutral.   (Choice Made)

Answer seriously.   (Choice Made)

Make a joke!

Just let Piama talk?

Episode 3

Describe to Piama magical Wilds weddings! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Eh, there’s snow.

Have tea on the terrace with Piama. ( 31 πŸ’—) (obtain CG)

Go to bed.

Try and check in?

Leave her alone.   (Choice Made)

Act cheerful!

Episode 4

Whisper something nice.   (Choice Made)

Just stay quiet.

Take her hand?

Try to appear calm.   (Choice Made)

Let her know you’re worried!

Say something smart?

Offer Piama a trip to the Wilds. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Stay cooped up.

Episode 5

Ask what she means.   (Choice Made)

Just let her talk!

Worry about it later?

Get up to a bit of mischief! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Be sensible.

Be snarky.   (Choice Made)

Be the bigger person.

Be proud!

Episode 6

Be sneaky!

Look beneath the surface?   (Choice Made)

Under the council meetings!

Defend Piama.   (Choice Made)

Joke along!

Try to intimidate Ruelle?

Admire Piama’s princess strut. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Can’t focus.

Episode 7

Coax Piama out with a drawing of your own. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Just go to bed.

Give a neutral answer to the Duchess?

Start pouring on the affection now!   (Choice Made)

Stay quiet.

Tease her.   (Choice Made)

Be logical?

Ask what she would do first!

Episode 8

Look at Piama?

Close your eyes and hold your breath!

Wait calmly.   (Choice Made)

Let Piama try holding your knife. ( 28 πŸ’—)

You said no.

Continue Piama’s joke?

Give your version.   (Choice Made)

Ask for Galen’s impression of Xenia!

Episode 9

Share a story, hear a story with Piama. ( 30 πŸ’—)

Chicken out.

Introduce Piama!   (Choice Made)

Let Piama introduce herself.

There isn’t time for chatting.

It’s irrelevant!

That question is cowardly!   (Choice Made)

What about me?

Episode 10

Give Piama a hug to celebrate!   (Choice Made)

Make a lighthearted comment.

Act humble?

Be skeptical.

Be optimistic!

What does Piama think?   (Choice Made)

Get the celebrations started with your wife. ( 29 πŸ’—)


Episode 11

Have a second, fairytale kiss with Piama. ( 30 πŸ’—)

Get embarrassed and shy.

Double down your support!

End on a classy note.   (Choice Made)

Who cares what the Duchess thinks?

Make an inappropriate joke!

Guess Lyris’s plans.   (Choice Made)

Invite him to a sleepover?

Episode 12

Tell him he’s dumb.

Tell him he’s rude.

Tell him Piama is better!   (Choice Made)

Bring up the Duchess being suspicious.

Remind Piama she was in the right.   (Choice Made)

Ask for her thoughts on the Hall?

Make a grand entrance with Piama. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Not right now.

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