Ezra - Season 4

Ezra - Season 4

Episode 1

Or am I up late?

I couldn’t sleep.   (Choice Made)

I could say the same about you!

Make love to Ezra in the rain! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Go back inside.

I hope you’re not giving up.

Are you sure this isn’t just some excuse?

Maybe it’s better this way.   (Choice Made)

Episode 2

Yes! Tons!

Who can really think like her?   (Choice Made)

We’re still working things out.

Find some trouble, and maybe more, with Ezra! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Let it be.

Fire!   (Choice Made)

Did you hear there’s free pizza on the quad?

Guess who’s pregnant!

Episode 3

Oh Ezra, prepare to taste DEFEAT! ( 27 πŸ’—)

This magic stuff wears me out.

Great idea!

But not me?

As long as you’re not alone.   (Choice Made)

Confessed what?   (Choice Made)

Oh, shit.

How about I confess now?

Episode 4

Steal a moment alone with Ezra! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Wait for Nora…

The WHAT?   (Choice Made)

We were just headed there now.

Omar! Snap out of it!


A coincidence?

I don’t care.   (Choice Made)

Episode 5

No! I’m not.

I’m just being cautious

Answer the question, Ezra.   (Choice Made)

It’s corny… but you are soft for corny. ( 28 πŸ’—)

My hands are dirty…

At least it’s exciting.   (Choice Made)

It’s not so different.

It’s a minor hiccup.

Episode 6

Let Ezra show you this whole new world! ( 28 πŸ’—)

He should go…

Maybe, given some time.

I’m not ready for that.   (Choice Made)

I don’t think help.

Episode 7

I’m sure you’ll be great for us!

We’ll take all the help we can get.   (Choice Made)

Don’t get too cocky.

It could be your last chance… hear Ezra’s promise! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Just cry…

I can help!   (Choice Made)

Should we leave?

What happens if this goes wrong?

Episode 8

That’s risky!

Poor Arin.   (Choice Made)

That sounds familiar…

Confuse us?

Stop my magic?   (Choice Made)

Freak us out?

Let dream Ezra give you a message from the stars. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Just rest… nothing else.

Episode 9

Stick to the shadows.   (Choice Made)

Spring a trap.

Get close and trip him.

Mouse and Edward.   (Choice Made)



The final battle! You have to do the final battle! ( 29 πŸ’—)


Episode 10

Try to turn invisible.

Try to curtsy.   (Choice Made)

Try not to cry.

You’re welcome.   (Choice Made)

I’m just doing what’s right.

Your thanks? That’s it?

Let Ezra make sure you are alright! ( 29 πŸ’—)


Episode 11

Yes, let’s GO!

Ready as I’ll ever be.   (Choice Made)

No, wait.

Tell Ezra he doesn’t have to gentle! ( 30 πŸ’—)

Maybe we should sleep…

Episode 12

Ha! Guilty!   (Choice Made)

What was that all about?

Why are you still here?

Triple Threat.

Best of Three.   (Choice Made)

My Hunter, My Hunter, and Me.

Weave a spell of love everlasting with Ezra! ( 29 πŸ’—)

We have all the time in the world…

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