Emilio - Season 1

Emilio - Season 1

Episode 1

Come on, loosen up.   (Choice Made)

Kinda weird…

Maybe it IS a murder mystery.

Get a private tour from Emilio. ( 15 πŸ’—)

Shake him off.

Be direct.

Take the bait.   (Choice Made)

Death glare.

Episode 2

Be direct.   (Choice Made)

Be apologetic.

Make an excuse.

Flirt with Emilio. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Just get embarrassed.

Family doesn’t keep secrets.

Cut it with the mystery, already!

We’re strong together.   (Choice Made)

Episode 3

Guess Emilio’s stone.   (Choice Made)

Ask what his stone does.

Guess what your stone does.

Don’t I get a say?

I already said I’m in.   (Choice Made)

When do we go?!

Do it. Drink in Emilio’s eyes for four minutes. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Laugh it off.

Episode 4

Take the reigns and see Emilio’s real smile again. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Miss this rare opportunity.

Play it cool.

Become the long-suffering boyfriend.   (Choice Made)


Should I sit on your lap?

Should we cuddle?

Is it makeout time?   (Choice Made)

Episode 5

Have a fake date with Emilio at the coffee shop. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Skip the practice.


I’ve had plenty…but tea sounds okay.   (Choice Made)

Maybe later. I’m tired.

I have to keep him on his toes!

You know it.   (Choice Made)

He swept me off my feet.

Episode 6

Uh, what?!

Raise your hand too: let’s do this!   (Choice Made)

Watching is more fun.


Throw another fry.   (Choice Made)

Snark back.

Make a pretty picture on a walk with Emilio. ( 31 πŸ’—) (obtain CG)

I’m sure we don’t need to go.

Episode 7

Bet on the five of spades.

Ask Emilio for advice.   (Choice Made)

Ask the dealer for tips.

Play a sexy Regency game with Emilia. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Opt out.

The Marquess is cheating.

Something’s wrong here.   (Choice Made)

You’re a terrible gambler, you know that?

Episode 8

He was my friend!

There’s no way I’d murder anyone.

What? We found the body!   (Choice Made)

Snuggle up close to Emilio and let him comfort you. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Potential hypothermia? No problem.

Say it plainly.   (Choice Made)


Give him some though love.

Episode 9

Let Emilio be the gallant one. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Shrug off his help.

I’m fine.   (Choice Made)

Not really, but I’ll be okay.

Don’t say anything.

Fancy another one?   (Choice Made)

That sounds like a challenge.

Ooh, I’d love to see your skills.

Episode 10

Get a private lesson from Emilio to up your chances. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Just wing it.

Why, I never!

Promises about…later.

Wouldn’t you like to know?   (Choice Made)

I won, fair and square.   (Choice Made)

I knew it.

Screw you!

Episode 11

Use your feelings to sell your romance with Emilio. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Don’t defend yourself.

Encourage the crowd.   (Choice Made)

Stay silent.

Surprise them by defending the Marquess.

I’m not mad about it.

We stopped the bad guy!   (Choice Made)

It was justice for Robert.

Episode 12

Give Emilio honesty and comfort. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Brush it off.

Yes.   (Choice Made)


I’m not sure.

Hey, don’t be mean to Emilio!

He’s grumptastic and it’s exhausting. Mostly.

Like you’d be much better.   (Choice Made)

Next Season ⇢

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