Lavinia - Season 1

Lavinia - Season 1

Episode 1

Five more minutes…

Oh. Right.

I overslept!   (Choice Made)

The founders carried them over from Britain.   (Choice Made)

It was a gift from the faeries.


Hide from the wrath of Zeta Phi with Lavinia! ( 15 πŸ’—)

Face them alone…

Episode 2

Does it work for food?   (Choice Made)

How about making new outfits?

You could ace every test!

Let me buy you coffee?

Come study with us?   (Choice Made)

Can we talk for a second?

Stick with Lavinia and defend your table! ( 28 πŸ’—)

It isn’t really your table…

Episode 3


Thank him.

Quietly accept.   (Choice Made)

Fume some more!

Blame Blossom!   (Choice Made)

See things from Lavinia’s perspective.

Don’t back down! Get the truth from Lavinia! ( 29 πŸ’—)

On second thought…

Episode 4

Maybe she did it…   (Choice Made)

Why would she?

Darla was lying.

That’s none of your business.   (Choice Made)

I can’t remember.

Being a good student is fun.

Show Lavinia how to flirt! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Say what?

Episode 5

Change the topic.

Tell her you don’t want to hurt anyone.   (Choice Made)

Thank her for sharing the stories.

I’m peachy!

I have a lot on my mind.   (Choice Made)

Just smile and nod.

Yes, Lavinia, I want the truth! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Honestly, I can’t handle the truth…

Episode 6

Well… if it’s to help Lavinia study then it’s a good thing. ( 28 πŸ’—)

On the other hand…

Just blame Lavinia.

Maybe they deserve it.

Are you stalking me now?   (Choice Made)

It’s my fault.   (Choice Made)

Blossom was behind all of it.

There’s something else going on.

Episode 7

Promise to solve the mystery.   (Choice Made)

Offer to clean the camper.

Help her get revenge.

Rip off the band-aid.

Let Lavinia take her time.   (Choice Made)

Start the story yourself.

Trust Lavinia and her cook for you! ( 28 πŸ’—)

No, but thank you…

Episode 8

Lavinia? Trust? You must be joking.   (Choice Made)

What gave you that impression?

I don’t trust her.

Why? Got something you need to get off your chest?

No, and I don’t to talk about it.   (Choice Made)

I’m so glad you asked…

Show Lavinia you are ready for anything! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Back out…

Episode 9

Ask if she’s OK.

Oh no, is she heading this way?

Admit you’re hiding too.   (Choice Made)

Stay hopeful.   (Choice Made)

Suspect the worst.

Point out the irony.

Lavinia, may I have this dance? ( 30 πŸ’—)

No way.

Episode 10

Why is Titania after you?   (Choice Made)

How could Blossom mess with your magic?

None of this is good news.

Stick up for Darla!

Blossom is the priority though…

Tell Lavinia she’s being a hypocrite.   (Choice Made)

Yes! Let Lavinia make her promise binding! ( 29 πŸ’—)

It’s late…

Episode 11

From the Shakespeare play?   (Choice Made)

What about Oberon?

What’s she known for?


Lie.   (Choice Made)


Be dangerous… talk about romance with Lavinia! ( 30 πŸ’—)


Episode 12

Around the corner.   (Choice Made)

Behind the curtain.

Behind the door.

Tell Lavinia to keep going! ( 30 πŸ’—)

That’s enough.

Next Season ⇢

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