Iseul - Season 9

Iseul - Season 9

Episode 1

Be stern.

Be concerned.

Be permissive.   (Choice Made)

Stay on topic.

Give up.   (Choice Made)

Join in on spoiling your daughter.

Yeah, but…

I guess you’re right.   (Choice Made)

We sure have!

Episode 2

Tell her you were tired.

Change the subject.

Let Iseul field this one.   (Choice Made)

Give your family what they (and you!) want! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Be the bad cop.

Because she needs her rest.

Because I said so!

You know what? Forget it…   (Choice Made)

Episode 3

Be blunt.

Be gentle.   (Choice Made)

Dodge the question.

Don’t have to ask me twice!   (Choice Made)

That depends…

I don’t know… are you?

Go to Iseul’s secret place. ( 28 πŸ’—)

There’s no time!

Episode 4

No you aren’t.

I forgive you.

Save your apology for Imohn.   (Choice Made)

Put her to work.

Include her in the fun!   (Choice Made)

She’s done enough already!

Sophie and Solaire!

Reiner and August!

Altea and Saerys!   (Choice Made)

Episode 5

No way!   (Choice Made)

Iseul’s on his own!

If we have to…

Give Iris the grand tour! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Shoo her away.


Go Mama Bear!

Stay Calm.   (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Take the lead.   (Choice Made)

Take it slow.

Let him take charge.

Show Iseul you’re still boss. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Maybe later.

The sunset hasn’t.

Our friends haven’t.

My love for you hasn’t.   (Choice Made)

Episode 7

She’s in trouble!

I’m honestly kind of impressed.

This is all my fault.   (Choice Made)

Oh, alright…   (Choice Made)

Grrr, fine!

Let’s do it!

Correct him.   (Choice Made)

Press him for more details.

Leave it.

Episode 8

Could we, really?

Doesn’t seem realistic.   (Choice Made)

I wish we could!

Private honeymoon with Iseul! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Turn them down.

You guys pick!


There is one thing…   (Choice Made)

Episode 9

Our roleplay characters.

Generic fantasy.   (Choice Made)

You haven’t heart of it.

Shopping cart race! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Be the responsible one.

Everybody out!   (Choice Made)

I’m out!

I’m ordering in!

Episode 10

Be gentle.   (Choice Made)

Be firm.

Wait and see.

You pick.   (Choice Made)

Iseul picks.

Iris picks.


No.   (Choice Made)


Episode 11

Laugh it off.

Agree with her.   (Choice Made)

Tell her to cut it out!

Escape for a “nap date” with Iseul. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Just go unpack.

We need to talk about Iris.

We need to talk about your family.

Nevermind.   (Choice Made)

Episode 12

Point blank refuse.

Refuse and explain why.   (Choice Made)

Question her.

Step forward yourself.

Pass the buck to Iseul.

Put Iris in the hot seat.   (Choice Made)

Family cooking time! ( 28 πŸ’—)

On second thought…

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