Iseul - Season 7

Iseul - Season 7

Episode 1

I can’t leave him!

So help me!   (Choice Made)

I don’t care if I die!

Iseul is gone.

It’s my fault.   (Choice Made)

His last words.

Tell her.

Stay silent.   (Choice Made)

Walk away.

Episode 2

Storm out.   (Choice Made)

Sneak out.

Call for backup.

Follow Iseul’s voice. ( 28 πŸ’—)

Wake up.

Tell the others.   (Choice Made)

Keep it to yourself.

Get Imohn to break the news.

Episode 3

Hear Iseul’s resurrection story. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Pass on hearing the tale.

Tear off his clothes.   (Choice Made)

Ask him to undress.

Take off your clothes first.

Episode 4

Am I hearing things?

Are you sleep talking?   (Choice Made)

Once more with feeling!

Ishara must be worried sick about us!   (Choice Made)

Ishara’s probably in turbo-grandma mode!

Ishara will want to see Iseul!

Make the announcement.

Keep them in suspense.   (Choice Made)

Make Iseul do it.

Episode 5

Will I become a duchess?

Will our daughter be a princess?

Is it even allowed?   (Choice Made)

Ask Iseul about his ideal wedding. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Drop it.



Dangerous.    (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Should I be worried?

Who will we be meeting?    (Choice Made)

Is bringing me a good idea?

Didn’t you say not to nag him?    (Choice Made)

Have any parenting advice?

You should come to the wedding!

Explore the Elven village with Iseul. ( 26 πŸ’—)

Move along.

Episode 7

Stand proud next to your man.    (Choice Made)

Let go of his hand.

Fall back.

Yeah… princess?!

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

If Ishara says so…   (Choice Made)

Ask Iseul what he meant.    (Choice Made)

Ask Ishara.

Crack a joke.

Episode 8

I don’t know the rules!    (Choice Made)

You better not cheat!

No way!

Admire their love.    (Choice Made)

Pretend not to notice.

Bring them back to earth.

Learn more about Iseul’s family. ( 26 πŸ’—)

Call it a night.

Episode 9

Not if you’ve got a better idea!    (Choice Made)

Why do you ask?

Yes, actually, we are.

Be poised and formal like Imohn.    (Choice Made)

Be aggravating but charming like Iseul.

Be infectiously joyful like Iraia.

Dance with Iseul. ( 30 πŸ’—)

Take a seat.

Episode 10

Come to Auntie!   (Choice Made)

I don’t want to impose…

You sure it won’t bite?

Whisper to Iseul.   (Choice Made)

Let Ishara handle it.

Step into the spotlight.

That means a lot.

No it didn’t.   (Choice Made)

Seriously, though…

Episode 11

Let’s do it!

Sounds like a fairytale!

Willing to try, but…   (Choice Made)


Altea and Saerys.   (Choice Made)


Get some time alone with Iseul. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Deal with it.

Episode 12

Where will we live?   (Choice Made)

What school will she go to?

What about childcare?

Protect the fountain with Iseul! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Back away.

Kill the Witch Queen!

Beg her to stop!

Help Ishara!   (Choice Made)

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