Orion - Season 2

 Orion - Season 2

Episode 1

Get CG

Come to Orion's defense.   (Choice Made)
Explain what happened.
Say you're on the same side.

Escaping the Empire.   (Choice Made)
Rescuing a friend.
Aiding the Union.

Episode 2

Trust Orion and do it. ( 23 πŸ’—)
Ask someone else.

I'm nobody.
I'm an engineer.   (Choice Made)
I'm a member of Orion's crew.

Episode 3

Wheedle him.
Demand it.   (Choice Made)
Plead with him.

Ask about his past relationships. ( 26 πŸ’—)
Pretend to be asleep.

Episode 4

Insist Otherwise.   (Choice Made)
Accept it.
Ask questions.

Where are we?
We should move quickly...
Can we stop for lunch?   (Choice Made)

Episode 5

Call for Orion!  ( 24 πŸ’—)
Call for Evander!

Ugly truth.
Beautiful lie.
Try kicking him.   (Choice Made)

Episode 6

Insist it's not lost.   (Choice Made)
Accept the consoling words.

Get CG

Accept his gift.  ( 25 πŸ’—)
Politely decline.

Episode 7

Get answers.
Mediate things.
Accuse Evander.   (Choice Made)

No shooting.
Will we run out of air?
Aye, captain!   (Choice Made)

Get CG

Episode 8

Take Orion's hand and hide.  ( 26 πŸ’—)

Episode 9

Apologize for everything.   (Choice Made)
Continue soothing him.
Ask Jaxon for a plan.

Break free and run to Orion!  ( 30 πŸ’—)
Shout to the crew!

Episode 10

Acknowledge his order.   (Choice Made)
Question what will happen next.
Thank Antares.

Stay up.  ( 28 πŸ’—)
Take a nap.

Episode 11

Be difficult.
Reassure him.   (Choice Made)
Sidestep it.

Get CG

Episode 12

Challenge him.   (Choice Made)
Plea with him.
Bargain with him.

Hell yes. ( 29 πŸ’—)
I don't know.

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