Nysa - Season 1

 Nysa - Season 1

Episode 1


“You owe me lipstick.”   (Choice Made)

“Just move!”

Admit it could be fun.

Do it to keep an eye on her.

I need lipstick anyway…   (Choice Made)

Episode 2

Go on a food crawl with Nysa! ( 15 ๐Ÿ’—)

We have food at home.

Episode 3

She has an eye for detail.   (Choice Made)

She can be really clever.

There’s good in her! I’ve felt it!

Stand up for Nysa. ( 26 ๐Ÿ’—)

Duck and cover.

Guess something fun.

Guess something cool.

Guess something ridiculous.   (Choice Made)

Episode 4

“Do I get a prize if I’m right?”

“I don’t want you to lose your chance here.”

“I’m gonna keep being a thorn in your side.”   (Choice Made)

Get the dirt on Nysa! ( 27 ๐Ÿ’—)

Lay down before the job.

Episode 5

“How are you going to give her what we don’t have?”

“What if we just hand her the transfigured one?”

“Isn’t this soufflรฉ overcooked enough as it is?”   (Choice Made)

“Can’t you just ask for a different job?”

“What do you expect us to do, exactly?”   (Choice Made)

Glare holes into Mizette’s stupid forehead.

Encourage Nysa to open up. ( 27 ๐Ÿ’—)

Let the dust settle.

Episode 6

Participate! Ask questions!

Don’t be suspicious.

Just try to keep up with the legal jargon.   (Choice Made)

“Well, I’m glad we’re fitting in.”

“Have you removed someone?”   (Choice Made)

Try to make Nysa say something nice.

Episode 7

“If only they could wash the dishes.”

“Could they take orders from customers?”   (Choice Made)

“Have you ever had a lunch rush without them?”

“Intersecting sigils can get messy.”   (Choice Made)

“We’ll have to cast at the exact same time.”

“Wait—you’ve done this before?”

“I’m concentrating.”

“This needs to work!”   (Choice Made)

“I don’t get it!”

Episode 8

“Even with portals to and from?”

“That’s too long. We’ll be caught!”

“Okay, who here knows a timestop curse?”   (Choice Made)

Back up Nysa.   (Choice Made)

Call out Romilda.

Involve Merik.

Encourage Nysa to show you! ( 27 ๐Ÿ’—)

Maybe we shouldn’t…

Episode 9

“What’s more important than happiness?”

“But only when they benefit you, right?”   (Choice Made)

“Maybe your code needs a redraft.”


Show Nysa she’s not alone! ( 27 ๐Ÿ’—)

Back down.

“Nysa, this isn’t right!”   (Choice Made)

“Let her go, Mizette!”

Counter Mizette’s spell!


Episode 10


Slow down.

Start over.   (Choice Made)

Talk faster?


Make latte art with Nysa! ( 26 ๐Ÿ’—)

Take a break before opening.


Be gracious.

Be humble.   (Choice Made)

Be embarrassed.


Episode 11


“You’re forgiving me?”

“That is the worst apology ever.”

“Hold on, let me think about it. No.”   (Choice Made)


“Fifteen minutes?!”

“What if their patrol changes?”

“Are you sure we can pull this off?”   (Choice Made)


“Not a scratch on it!”

“That’s it, isn’t it?”

“Bite it, that’s how you know if it’s real.”   (Choice Made)


Episode 12


“Oh yeah, no. Migraine. Nasty stuff.”

“I think she’s had enough people today.”   (Choice Made)

“I kinda wanted this last bit for myself.”


Let Nysa kiss you! ( 28 ๐Ÿ’—)

Stutter your way out of this.

Next Season ⇢

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