Juliette - Season 6

 Juliette - Season 6

Episode 1

Where did Jack go?    (Choice Made)

Where am I?

Where’s Juliette?

Reach out to Juliette with your telepathy! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Let it go.

How did we meet?

Where was I born?    (Choice Made)

What’s my favorite boba flavor?

Episode 2

Are you alright?

Are your parents defeated?

What happened to me?    (Choice Made)

What’s for breakfast?    (Choice Made)

What is it?

Just talking to myself!

Time travel.

Parallel Universe.    (Choice Made)

Virtual Reality.

Episode 3

They never created problems for me.    (Choice Made)

I have it here.

Did you just say “seditionists”?

A soggy book!

An expired avocado!    (Choice Made)


Nurse Juliette to the rescue! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Take a nap instead.

Episode 4

What will happen to you?    (Choice Made)

What will happen to me?

When will I see you again?

Is he political?

What’s his reputation like?    (Choice Made)

Does he have office hours?


No, but this is important.    (Choice Made)

I don’t need an appointment!

Episode 5

Talk about tech.

Talk about boba.    (Choice Made)

Talk about memes.

Send Juliette a message.

Imagine her beside you.    (Choice Made)

Tug on the bond between you two.

Prove that you love the real Juliette! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Wait for fake Juliette to get back.

Episode 6

Steal one?

Heck it?    (Choice Made)

Go home?

I read your nametag.

We met at a party.    (Choice Made)

We’re co-workers.

Let Juliette help you cool down! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Power through it.

Episode 7

Leave me alone.

You’ll never get what you want.

Are you proud of yourself?    (Choice Made)

Look around.    (Choice Made)


Call for Juliette.

Touch Juliette, any way you can. ( 29 πŸ’—)

Let her go.

Episode 8

“Avoiding the crowd?”    (Choice Made)

“Nice weather.”

“I’m a big fan.”

“You like Sci-fi movies, right?”

“Some people have really powerful abilities.”

“Do you ever doubt your parents?”    (Choice Made)

Make a wish with Juliette. ( 27 πŸ’—)

Brush the eyelash away.

Episode 9

Through work.

Through a fake relationship.    (Choice Made)

Through a lot of self-doubt.



Protect!    (Choice Made)

Kiss Juliette goodbye.    (Choice Made)

Threaten the Optimas.

Go straight to the door.

Episode 10

Shoot a psychic blast.    (Choice Made)

Put up a barrier.

Use telekinesis.

Stay awake for Juliette! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Leave yourself vulnerable.

Reunite the Syndicate!

Take back the lair!    (Choice Made)

Tell you about my dream!

Episode 11

Kiss her.    (Choice Made)

Cuddle her.

Let her sleep.

Shouldn’t he be in prison?

Why is he hanging out with us?

What are his powers anyway?    (Choice Made)

They are becoming less human.    (Choice Made)

They were talking about not returning.

They were planning the future.

Episode 12

Take back the lair with Juliette! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Leave it to the group.



Music!    (Choice Made)

Laugh along.

Roll your eyes.

Tease her back.    (Choice Made)

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