Amara - Season 4

 Amara - Season 4


Episode 1


I know.

I’m disappointed.

We did our best.   (Choice Made)


Hello.   (Choice Made)

I’ve been waiting…



It’s the people.   (Choice Made)

It’s Lysende.

It’s me.


Episode 2


Let Amara return the favor. ( 26 πŸ’—)

Get going.


Not quite.

Everything’s happening at once!

What’s going on?   (Choice Made)


You’re corny.

I’m so glad!

Aren’t you lucky?   (Choice Made)


Episode 3


It’s not a trap.

Does that sound like us?   (Choice Made)

Oh no! we’re caught!


I’m trying.

They won’t listen.   (Choice Made)

You’re right.


Tell Amara she deserves everything! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Give it some thought.


Episode 4


My chest.

My neck.   (Choice Made)

My leg.


What’s forbidden.

The danger.

Supply shortage.   (Choice Made)



Your wife.   (Choice Made)



Episode 5


Answer yes.   (Choice Made)

Answer no.

Don’t answer.


Scold her.

Smoosh her.

Ignore her.   (Choice Made)


Let Amara say more! ( 27 πŸ’—)

Read more dusty books.


Episode 6


Are you the Summer Goddess?

What’s the blessing?   (Choice Made)

Why do people want to be blessed?


Flirt back! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Get embarrassed.


You don’t have to.

You are worthy.

You do live up to it.   (Choice Made)


Episode 7


Yes!  (Choice Made)




Are you sure you’re alright?

You want to do this now?  (Choice Made)

Let’s go!




Nervous.  (Choice Made)


Episode 8


Say you won’t discuss personal matters.

Kind of apologize.   (Choice Made)

Advise leaving the Rovdyr princess alone.


Get flower crowns with Amara! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Don’t get carried away.


Under the tent.  (Choice Made)

On the dock.

In the building.


Episode 9



Saving you.  (Choice Made)

Unrest or assassination.


Sneak out to the hot springs with Amara! ( 28 πŸ’—)

Stay in the camp.


Honeycrisp tisane.

Dark ale.  (Choice Made)

Pear mead.


Episode 10



I feel strange.   (Choice Made)

I’m angry.


You didn’t want to keep playing?

That was incredible!

Thank you.   (Choice Made)


Cook up a tasty meal with Amara! ( 26 πŸ’—)

Call it a day.


Episode 11


Hearing the people’s suggestions.

Singing the once forbidden song.   (Choice Made)

How I feel about what I did.



Where?   (Choice Made)



Should you go?

Do you want to go?   (Choice Made)

Please don’t go.


Episode 12


Who’s the chosen one?   (Choice Made)

What does that mean?

How could that be?


Feel Amara’s strength! ( 29 πŸ’—)

Tone it down.

Good luck!   (Choice Made)

I’ll miss you!

Come back soon!

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