A Cosmic Match Jessa

A Cosmic Match Jessa

 Episode 1


Touch her hand.   (Choice Made)

Say something flirty.

Play it cool.


Give half-truth.

Deflect with a joke.   (Choice Made)

Answer with a question.


“Nice hair.”

“Do you come here often?”   (Choice Made)

Draw a blank.


Episode 2


Charm them.   (Choice Made)

Intimidate them.

Follow Jessa’s lead.


Union law is unforgiving.

Jessa’s connections are dangerous.

You’re a danger to yourselves.   (Choice Made)


Fight the thugs with Jessa! ( 15 💗)

Sneak out.


Episode 3


“Fine. No cops.”

“Are you okay?”   (Choice Made)

“Nice bruise.”


Sidestep her question.

Smile enigmatically.   (Choice Made)

Half-ass a lie.


Go back to Jessa. ( 26 💗)

Leave for your flight.

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